FluSure XP / RespiSure-1 - 50 dose
For vaccination of healthy swine, including pregnant sows and gilts, 3 weeks of age or older as an aid in preventing respiratory disease caused by SIV subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 and respiratory disease caused by M. Hyopneumoniae for a period of 25 weeks. A duration of immunity of at least 10 weeks, as demonstrated by a significant reduction in lung lesions, has been established against SIV H3N2
DIRECTIONS: Shake diluent before use. Aseptically rehydrate the freeze-dried vaccine with the liquid bacterin provided, shake well, and administer 2 mL intramuscularly. Administer a single 2 mL dose to healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older, followed by a single dose of FluSure XP approximately 3 weeks later.