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CocciAid 9.6% Oral Solution - Gallon

CocciAid 9.6% Oral Solution - Gallon

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CocciAid 9.6% Oral Solution - Gallon

9.6% Amprolium - Indicated for the treatment of coccidiosis in growing chickens, turkeys and laying hens, and calves.

Instructions for poultry:

Give amprolium at the 0.012% level (8 fl oz per 50 gallons) as soon as coccidiosis is diagnosed and continue for 3 to 5 days. (In severe outbreaks, give amprolium at the 0.024% level.) Continue with 0.006% amprolium medicated water for an additional 1 to 2 weeks. No other source of drinking water should be available to the birds during this time. Use as the sole source of amprolium.

Instructions for calves:

There are 96 mg of amprolium in every 1 ml.

Mix daily with fresh drinking water.
Treatment: When treating an outbreak, give promptly after the diagnosis is determined. Add to drinking water at the rate of 16 fl oz/100 gal. Give 10 mg of corid solution per 2.2 lb of body weight daily for 5 days.
When used as a drench for treatment, add 3 fl oz of amprolium to 16 oz of water and with a dose syringe give 1 fl oz of this drench solution for each 100 lb of body weight.
Prevention: Add to drinking water at the rate of 8 fl oz/100 gal. Give 5 mg per 2.2 lb of body weight for 21 days.
When used as a drench for prevention, add 1.5 fl oz of amprolium to 16 fl oz of water and with a dose syringe give 1 fl oz of this drench solution for each 100 lb of body weight.

Residue Warning: Do not give 24 hours before slaughter. A withdrawl period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.

Aurora Pharmaceuticals