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Citadel L5 HB - 50 Dose

Citadel L5 HB - 50 Dose

Regular price $33.15
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Citadel L5 HB - 50 Dose

Citadel L5 HB is a vaccine designed for the vaccination of healthy, susceptible cattle and swine of all ages. It aims to aid in the reduction of the five most common strains of leptospirosis, specifically L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo (type hardjo-bovis), L. pomona, L. grippotyphosa, L. canicola, and L. icterohaemorrhagiae. Additionally, it is intended for the prevention of urinary shedding of L. hardjo in cattle, with L. hardjo being the primary serovar responsible for chronic infections.

The recommended dosage for cattle is 2 ml administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, while for swine, the recommended dosage is 2 ml administered intramuscularly. A repeat vaccination is advised within 3-6 weeks, and subsequent revaccination is recommended annually or prior to each breeding cycle. There is a 21-day withdrawal period for slaughter after vaccination to ensure the safety of meat consumption. Animals vaccinated with Citadel L5 HB and subsequently exposed to L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo (type hardjo-bovis) have demonstrated the ability to clear renal infections within 8 weeks of exposure.