Bovilis Vision 7 with SPUR
Available in 10 dose, 50 dose or 250 dose
Shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy cattle and sheep against disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei (Blackleg), Cl. Septicum (Malignant edema), Cl. novyi (Black disease), Cl. sordellii, Cl. perfringens Types C and D(Enterotoxemia).
For use in healthy cattle as an aid in preventing disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei (Blackleg), septicum (Malignant edema), novyi (Black disease), sordellii and perfringens Types C & D (Enterotoxemia).
2 mL administered subcutaneously followed by another 2 mL injection three to four weeks later. Annual revaccination is recommended.