Bovi-Shield GOLD 5
Available in 5, 10, and 50 dose
For vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in preventing disease caused by IB, BVD (Type 1 and Type 2), PI3 and BRSV Viruses. Bovi-Shield GOLD 5 may be administered to pregnant cattle provided that they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with any Bovi-Shield GOLD 5 may also be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated within the past 12 months as described above.
Directions: Aseptically rehydrate the freeze-dried vaccine with the sterile diluent provided, shake well, and administer 2mL SQ or IM. Administer a single 2mL dose. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended.
Warning: Do NOT use in pregnant cows (abortions can result) unless they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with any Bovi-Shield GOLD FP or PregGuard FP vaccine within the past 12 months. Do not use in calves nursing pregnant cows unless their dams were vaccinated within the past 12 months.